Lilypie 4th Birthday Pic Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Pic Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker

Friday, September 23, 2005

My little hani bunny

Wahhhhhhhh.. asik post blog jek... buat pengetahuan korang, aku post blog ni masa lunch time ek... so bukanlah masa kerja... macam lah sapa pedulik..

Just wanna share with the world, my Hani. Dah 1 yr old. (sbb nya i baru pandai paste image)

The Big GIRL in a little pond

Hi myself.............

4 bulan tak update??? aci giler.. sib baik masih ingat user id masih ingat password.

Well..well... apa jadi lam masa 4 bulan??? Sooooooooooo many things happen... ada a few yg manis, a few yg masam..ada gak yg pahit... same old same old...

Mari kita ingat perisitiwa yg lalu (cam cekgu tarawikh kan... heheheheh)

- Wot happen in May?? - tak ingat
- Wot happen in Jun ?? - tak ingat.. haaa ingat-ingat.. itu pun sbb tengok surat.. I pegi Sarawak. Buat site visit. Beli 2 tikar sarawak... Beli sikit pasu (which is still in the box till today... ajer bodoh beli barang tak pekdah tuh)

- Wot happen in JUly... tak ingat jugak ler.... haa.. ingat2. hubby i akhirnya pakai kereta, setelah 5 tahun takdak keter (yer la lepas kawin hari tu dia letgi Kancil dan kami pakai 1 keter jek la). Seronok kan main. MyVi jek. tapi still best. so ada 2 keter.. makin bertambah ler pulak expenses utk keter nih.... hai...........

- Wot happen in AUgust? - member aku pindah ofis..promotion, i amik charge. and tukar Unit. Hopefully for the better. tup2 rasa sayang lak Unit lama. Haa.. rasanya Parents aku dtg. Best wooo. Pastu buat birthday Hani kat rumah mama jah. masa tiup lilin and potong cake, ironically the birtday girl is sleeping while all the event took place. (Cam citer Sandra Bullock.. while u were sleeping). KHalis lah paling happy giler babas. Ok ler... utk anak2 tersayang. I ll paste a few of latest pic of my 2 angels (anak sendiri kena la kata angel kan...)

Before I forgot.. nak update pasal credit card...
benda bahaya nih... I took up Bank Islam loan (10K wooo.... 400 per month for 10 yrs...ajer gilerrr), to langsaikan all my credit card hutang. I ended now with 5 credit card... which I absolutely tak perlu tapi bengong sbb amik.. and now my credit card hutang dah ada......... lemme kira.... Altaslif 5K, BIslam 1.5K, RHB2K and buat bodo amik Alliance Bank ecosway ada RM150. Tu berapa seme tuh... dekat 8K!!!! Eiii rasa bodoh betullah ... my resolution start from today.. no more charge credit card except for PETROL. Ingat ....

Apa bender yg aku beli ?????????????????

These past few months from april to september I guess I spend too much. Wayyyyyyyyy out of my budget or my salaray. Belanja cam tak ingat dunia. Tu la pasal. I spent kalau i ingat ler.. almost 1K only on books/mag. Buku, aku jadi giler beli (baca malas.. dan takde masa sebenarnya) bila aku baca one of the blog(mokcik nab lah punya pasal ni..hehehehehe). So suddenly my old habit of reading naik syekh.. so aku pun sebuk lah gi MPH nun beli and beli and beli books. (bukan murah2 weiii... satu dlm 30.. kalau dah dekat 10 baper???) meh aku ingat buku apa aku dah beli

Harry Potter dan Bilik rahsia (alihbahasa - kelakarkan) 1 - RM20
Sophie Kinsella Book - Shoppers go to Manhattan or somethin like that RM35
AInts She Sweet - tak hingat sapa tulis - RM30
Sandra Brown Novel - tak ingat tajuk - RM30 (lum baca lagi pun)
Harry Potter (Order of the Phoenix) - RM39
Sophie Kinsella- Shopohalic and Sister - RM30 (lum baca - coz baru beli)
Harry Potter and Gobelts of Fire - RM35 (baru baca 50 pages)
1 Novel melayu utk bibik - RM20
Pastuh aku subscribe NewsWeek + Readers Digest for 1 yr. Ada Cina yg convince aku beli so aku beli la... RM365

Phuhhh... sini jek dah dekat RM700

Meh aku sambung wot happen on September..

- Wot happen in September? - Kalau tak ingat wot happen on Spetember aku tak tau lerrr.. 16 september .. my promotion. Bukan tinggi beno... tapi very meaningful to me. naik gaji dalam RM600. But for orang2 kecik cam aku, it seems A LOT!!!! weiii. Gaji baru tak tau biler dapat (biasalah 3/4 bulan kott..) tapi happy lerrr... Still in the same office cuma diff Unit.
September jugak aku oustation ke Penang. Hubby dan anak2 ikut. Maid pun ikut. Best wooooooo. 4 hari di Penang & Kedah.. kirakan itu ler holiday kami tahun ni..ok ler tuh, dari tak der.
Oooooo.. boleh update image... meh aku cuba kalau boleh...

Itu jer lah rasanya update ku kali ini. Tah bila akan ku update lagi...

Apa di pandang si kayu jati
Kalau tersepit bengkaklah jari
Sebenarnya kalau ikutkan hati
rasa nak update blog tiap2 hari
